Downtown Toledo, OH- After nearly 40+ years the owner of the an out of business hamburger shop who's lot is used for downtown nightlife has been forced to look for a real job. Following the recent breakdown in negotiations between local downtown businesses and the parking lot owner where he tried to double the rent paid by business owners for use of his parking lot, the lot is now a standard $2, $3 or whatever he feels like charging that night. For the past couple of years the lot was used for patrons of The Blarney Irish Pub, The Ripcord and most recently Pizza Papalis. Upon seeing the success of The Blarney and Pizza Papalis, "The Hamburger Guy" tried to double the rates paid by a group of downtown businesses for use of his lot, after their refusal to do so "The Douche Bag in the Apron" now stands guard in the parking lot on weekends ready to surprise unknowing Toledoeans with this new charge. The Toledo Onion placed 3 calls to the hamburger shop for comment and none were returned. TO reporter Mark Mckay then drove down to the nearly empty parking lot seeking comment. As soon as Mr. Mckay opened his door there he was asking for $3, Mr.Mckay then asked what his plans were for the lot and himself noting the lot was pretty empty for a Friday night.
"Well I've never really had a real job before, I have been living off of my dad and this place pretty much my whole life, I know I tried to rape local businesses out of their money and downtown is really staring to take off and I'm just not going to let that happen. You would think I would want business downtown but I am so disgruntled that I couldn't make the Hamburger shop happen that I plan on taking it out on everyone else. I don't feel that.........."
Then Mr. "Hamburger Shop Guy" ran off charge another car but the car was just turning around.
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